Relay for Life
After attending the fashion show at the Senior Center, I moved along to the Relay for Life that was held for the Tyngsborough and Westford communities. Cancer Awareness is Jane's platform for the Mrs. International pageant, so I wanted to be there to support her and hear her speak about the cause that she feels so strongly about. Watching her speak made me realize so much. Jane was so inspiring as she talked about her mom that passed on due to cancer. Jane spoke about how it affected her and her family and what she does now because of it. I was so proud of her for getting out there in front of such a large group of people and speaking from her heart. She did a beautiful job! I couldn't believe how great it was to see how many individuals came out for the event- nurses, high school students, and adults, especially considering the weather conditions. It was an overnight walk that ended at six in the morning the following day. There was a band, a dj, people cooking on the grill, a snack bar, and activities like kick ball tournaments taking place. Later everyone signed a banner explaining why they were there. I signed the banner in honor of a family friend, Nikki McConnell, a beloved teacher, Mr. Ed Waters, someone who has had a huge impact in my life, Mrs. Rosemary Quirk, and an inspiring individual, Mark Herzlich. I had a great time at the Relay for Life and found it to be an event and walk that really open peoples eyes. If you have a chance to take part in any Relay for Life's, please do, it is something that you will never forget.