HMEA Walk for Independence
Recently, I participated in the HMEA 5k Walk/Run for Independence. HMEA provides innovative services in schools, work forces, and homes in communities throughout Massachusetts to serve children and adults with developmental disabilities. "HMEA is committed to working in partnership with people with developmental disabilities and their families to create individualized supports that best meet their unique needs." I had been contacted right after I was crowned to take part in this walk and throughout the several months of preparation, I was given the privilege to get to know the staff members at HMEA and all of their clients, which made the Walk for Independence just that much more enjoyable. I felt that it would be nice to do something at the booth I was given other than just sign autographs, so I decided to have a "Create your own tiara booth"! Considering there were several young kids there, both the girls and boys enjoyed making their own tiaras or "King Crowns" as the boys would say. I was so touched and felt so appreciated by the clients that I have decided to now go and do group home visits. It is always an honor when parents or supervisors come speak with you about how "you made someone's day" or make comments like "wow, I can tell this is what you love to do..." I had a wonderful time at the HMEA event and was thrilled to see Governor Deval Patrick attend and show his support, it says a lot about Massachusetts!... And by the way, this is what I love to do!