Audi Best Buddies Hyannis Port Challenge
For the past few months I have been raising money to participate in the Audi Best Buddies Hyannis Port Challenge, a one hundred mile bicycle ride from Boston, Massachusetts to Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, also known as Cape Cod. The challenging bike ride began at JFK Library and ended at Craigsville Beach. Although the day of the ride began with torrential downpours and thunder storms, it ended up being a beautiful day. The riding path was along back roads so the scenery was beautiful. I rode alongside my good friend and sister state, Shelby Gregoire, Miss Vermont Teen USA. She and I had some great laughs. The ride was challenging so there were points where Shelby and I would just laugh. It was great to ride with her because we had so much to talk about and we gathered some unforgettable memories. At the end up the bike ride, there were the Tandem Best Buddies Rides. The Best Buddies would pair up with a VIP Celebrity and ride on the tandem bikes through a path. There were stations set up with activities and it was right on the ocean so everything was beautiful. Later, we all attended a Lobster and Clambake. There was also a band and raffles during the course of our dinner. I had a blast dancing with everyone and getting to know some of the buddies. Several of them spoke and it was so inspiring to see them get on stage in front of everyone and speak about their dreams. I had the time of my life and it is the event that will remain in my heart and head forever. Thank you to everyone who helped me reach my fundraising goal and make this ride possible while supporting a great cause!