Miss USA
Miss USA 2010 took place on Sunday, May 16th, live from Planet Hollywood. Prior to the event all the teens were given passes into rehearsals. It was nice to be able to go into one of the rehearsals and see how it was ran prior to competing at Miss Teen USA. Last that afternoon, the live telecast begin. I was so excited to see all the girls, especially because I was able to get to know and meet several of them prior to that. My Miss, Lacey Wilson, looked absolutely fabulous. I hadn't been able to see her that much before
she left because she was so busy preparing. Her body looked great and her styling looked fabulous... thank you Katie Boyd and Neil! At the live telecast they announce the top 15, then the top 10, then the top 5, and finally the winner. I was watching it and taking it all in and all I could think of was, how do they choose? All the girls were so beautiful, in such such good shape, and so well rounded. The top 5 consisted of Maine, Colorado, Virginia, Oklahoma, and Michigan. Each of them were put to the test with two questions: one of a personal one and the other was a question regarding current events. After that, the set of celebrity judges chose our new Miss USA. Miss Michigan USA, Rima Fakih, was crowned Miss USA 2010 that evening! I was very happy for her and felt that she was very deserving. It brought tears to my eyes to see her excitement after she won. Last that evening I attended the Miss USA After party! I have a great time at it and met some wonderful people. CONGRATULATIONS RIMA FAKIH!
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