Superintendent's Dinner
Thursday, March 4 was the annual Superintendent’s Dinner that the school I attend, Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School holds in honor of our Superintendent, Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick. Four students from the school’s SkillsUSA Chapter and myself spent the evening volunteering and selling raffle tickets. I was so happy that Barbara King asked me to be a part of the night because not only was I able to share something I have a passion for with my school but because I also had received a national medal last year for SkillsUSA. I competed in Entrepreneurship at the state level and won the gold medal, furthering to SkillsUSA Nationals held in Kansas City, MO. There I competed once again in Entrepreneurship, which entailed having a legitimate product and business, a 60-page business plan, a presentation, and a challenge question. After I was given a challenge question, which actually involved the current state of the economy and marketing strategies, I had to re-present. Myself along with my three other teammates placed and received a National Bronze Medal! It was so exciting! So when I was asked to be a part of the Superintendents Dinner, I was thrilled. I also got to reconnect with people I have met throughout the course of my reign as Miss Massachusetts Teen USA. I was able to see Senator Moore and lovely wife, Joanne and catch up with them a bit. I had a great time and was thrilled to be able to share my passion of my title with the school that established whom I am today.