"Together We Can"
"Team Together We Can" otherwise known as BVT's Cancer Awareness Network is a group that I am strongly supporting. The SkillsUSA Community Service Team that created the cancer awareness network has asked that I become an ambassador for their message. It is important that the world knows that cancer impacts everyone. It is a disease that is non-discriminatory. It is a disease that we must try to cure. I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with the Community Service team: Erica Poirier, Beth Belanger, and Lacey O'Neil, and their inspiring advisor, Rosemary Quirk. Individuals throughout the community have been affected by cancer, along with faculty within the school, and even students. It is a heart-touching subject and I look forward to doing what I can to spread their message "Together We Can" throughout the course of my reign as Miss Massachusetts Teen USA. Check back for updates regarding events that you too can get involved in. Rest in Peace... Mr. Waters, Alex Stansky, and the many others that have had their lives taken. My hearts go out to their families. Remember, together, we can.
Thank you for the kind remembrance of my brother Alex. He, along with so many others have fought the battle against cancer til the end, and we will always remember them all.
Thank you for being a part of such a wonderful program and message. Families left behind after cancer need support groups to know that they "CAN" get through this and be able to remember the good memories of their missed loved ones.
Jane Marshall
Mrs. MA Intl 2010