First Appearance!
My very first appearance happened literally five days after I was crowned! It was at Hillview Country Club in Reading, MA for the Reading Baseball Organization. I was very excited! I couldn't wait! However, I was also some what nervous because my Miss, Lacey Wilson, wasn't going to be there due to a family trip that had been planned long before considering it was Thanksgiving Weekend! I knew regardless I was going to have a great time. I just was a little nervous since it was my first one.
Soon enough that day came! I was still stuffed from the great Thanksgiving dinner I had at my aunts the day before. I got ready and put on a cute black cocktail dress! Then I grabbed my sash and crown and was ready to go (so I thought!) I went to Elyse Jewelers, our official jeweler for the year, to get dressed in diamonds! It is not a lie when they say, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend!" Then headed off to the event.
The event had a wonderful turn out and they raised a great amount of money for the organization through ticket sales and raffles. I think my favorite raffle was actually the pair of tickets to the Boston Red Sox on opening day- a true Bostonian here! I helped the Varsity Baseball Team for Reading High School by going around and selling balloons! Each balloon had a ticket in it, which at the end of the night would determine the cash prizes! It was a wonderful time.
However, I have to admit, there was a funny story that went along with it. Most people knew anyway, so I am guilty to admit I wore my sash on backwards... how embarrassing! I think I was just so excited and nervous that it didn't dawn on me. Plus it was my very first event and I was new at it all! I know.. excuses, excuses! And the funniest thing is, the Comedians that performed at the event kept making jokes about it and I didn't understand why! Opps! Now I know! No one is perfect. But I had a great time and was thrilled to help the Reading Baseball Organization raise money!