Dancing with the Stars!
On December 12, Lacey and I were invited to the Dancing with the Stars Fashion Show! The event really had it all! The dancers, Edyta Sliwinska and Alec Mazo (from Dancing with the Stars) performed five dance routines. Lace and I walked for Michael de Paulo. He had all couture gowns. They were absolutely stunning! I am so tall, so sometimes it is really difficult to find a gown that fits me perfectly and all of his did! I wore two gowns: one was a navy blue off the shoulder gown with really cute pockets by the hips and the other was just a teal fitted gown. I loved them both! Michael de Paulo was so generous and offered his gowns to Lacey and I for appearances whenever we needed them!
We also ran into Alison Cronin who was also doing the show! Alison was Miss Massachusetts USA 2009. She is so sweet and accomplished. I hadn't seen her since the Connecticut Pageant; however, she looked fabulous! Lacey and I were interviewed by U Magazine TV. There was a Mercedes Benz Car (don't ask me what type because I have no clue, but I loved it) there that people were photographing with. The car was worth $400,000!! One day that will be mine- ha ha, I wish! The event was an enjoyable time and I was happy to have my dad come and watch the fashion show to support Lace and I. Even better I was able to spend the day with my sister queen!